Application For Teaching Pyramid 2022-23 Framework Series
As a teaching team, we agree to:
• Commit to attendance and full participation on the listed dates and to implement new practices learned. Note: Leaders attend both Leadership and Staff workshops. Staff attend Saturday workshops only.
• Commit to scheduling five, 1-hour, coaching visits. Coaching visits require full participation with teaching team during staff meeting or other scheduled planning time. Sites will need to take video of classroom practices and implementation and use an agreed upon platform to share video with the coach.
• Agree to allow observational assessments and visits from the ECE field to promote Teaching Pyramid practices. Any observations or visits would be required to follow public health guidelines and individual program policies.
• Acknowledge the professional commitment for participation in the Teaching Pyramid training and that stipends will be granted to participants who complete the training series.
Please fill out and email the following PDF to
Application for the Teaching Pyramid 2022-23 Framework Series