The Watch Me Grow (WMG) program provides social and developmental screenings to children in Sonoma County from birth through age 5 and not yet in Kindergarten, who would otherwise not be screened. WMG staff connects families to services in the community and will make referrals to mental health or developmental services as needed to assist the family.
learn valuable information about how to foster their child’s social and developmental skills. Families learn about community programs with referrals to services available when needed.
are encouraged to call the WMG program if they have a concern about a child they have screened. The WMG staff will help connect the child and their families to services. This is a “one stop shop” for the developmental and emotional concerns for young children in Sonoma County.
WMG staff is available to assist our community partners in how to cost effectively screen their clients and learn where to refer them to if services are needed.
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This program is funded by Sonoma County Behavioral Health Department.